Emergency Management

Duxbury continues to refine its emergency response system based around volunteers in its various neighborhoods. 

Zone Maps

The zone system was created as a way for residents to manage emergency conditions occurring in their neighborhoods in an organized and efective way. The concept was developed after the floods of 2011. It is designed to be used under worse case conditions until professional help arrives at the scene. Zone reporters, zone captains and the emergency management team comprise the system. This is a work-in-progress. Additional suggestions and comments from Duxbury residents are welcomed.

Zone Maps should not be used to determine road classification. Each of the following links will open on a specific emergency management zone in Duxbury—Z1, Z2, Z3a, Z3b, Z4, Z5. The zone borders are marked by green lines. Enlarging images will reveal more detail such as E911 numbers, culvert locations, and other features in the landscape.

Emergency Management Documents

Zone Captains

Residents who have volunteered as zone captains are assigned to call the emergency management team or the town garage to  report conditions in their zone. This presumes that they are unable to travel out of their zones because of unfavorable conditions. If all lines of communication are down, they should use their portable narrowband radios to make contact. If radios aren’t available, they should write down brief descriptions of conditions and needs in their zones and post them close to a likely point of contact. Once captains have made contact with the emergency management team. They should attempt to  make contact with reporters who have not checked in. Follow- up calls are then made to the management team.

Contact any of the volunteers listed below for additional information.

Vermont Alert

Duxbury residents and all other Vermonters have a new tool at their disposal to stay informed of pending disasters, traffic information, weather conditions, public health notifications, and countless other alerts that could affect themselves or their loved ones.

Vermont Alert is a free service for users.  It allows the public to sign up and receive notifications through a number of delivery systems, including text, e-mail, telephone, or even a game console.  Alerts are localized to areas users chose and are issued state and local responders and other agencies.

Users chose their local area, what types of alerts they wish to receive, and which delivery systems they prefer. 

Vermont 211

Emergencies can take many forms, from natural disasters to human-caused events such as a major traffic accident that closes a road or takes out the power for hours at a time. For elders or people with physical or mental disabilities, such events can become life-threatening if they are prolonged and no one is available to help.

The CARE Program (Citizen Assistance Registration for Emergencies), administered by the United Ways of Vermont, Vermont 211 and E-911, are working together to identify Vermont residents who would require special assistance in an emergency. We need the community’s help to identify who these people are. If you or know someone who would need special help in a crisis, please complete the linked form below and return it to Vermont 211. Your information will be entered into a database linked to the E-911 system, and the records will be updated each year.

The Care Program registration form may be completed, printed and mailed to: Vermont 211 PO Box 111 Essex Junction, VT 05453.  If you wish Duxbury Emergency Management officials to be aware of your needs, please drop this registration form off at the Town Office or email to the Town Clerk at which point the Town will keep a copy of the form and then submit it to Vermont 211.

All records are confidential and will only be shared with groups involved in helping to keep people safe in an emergency. You must send a new form each year to keep your registration up-to-date.