Other Public Officials

Animal Control Officer

Andrea McMahon Ripanco Kennels 802-244-8556

Board of Abatement

The board consists of the town treasurer, the town clerk, the selectboard, the listers, and the justices of the peace. A majority of the board must be present in order for the board to meet, and a majority of that number must vote in favor of a motion to abate. For more details see Abatement in the Vermont Statutes.  

Board of Abatement Meeting Minutes

Board of Listers

The Board of Listers appraises property within town for the purpose of property tax assessment. Duxbury also uses the services of a professional assessor.  

Board of Listers Meeting Minutes

Budget Committee

Cemetery Commission

There are four Town-owned cemeteries in Duxbury: Phillips, Landon-Hayden, Sprague, and Crossett Hill. Phillips Cemetery is on Route 100 and is the only Town-owned cemetery open for selling lots.  Landon/Hayden is on Scrabble Hill Road and is closed to sales, memorials, planting, and burials. The Duxbury Cemetery Commission meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Waterbury Public Library from 5:00-6:00 PM.  Please contact one of the commissioners for specific meeting information.

Cemetery Commission Meeting Minutes & Documents

Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission Representative

Alan Quackenbush

Central Vermont Sold Waste Management District Representative

Mike Marotto mmarotto.duxburyvt@gmail.com


Eric Potter (First Constable)

James Welch (Second Constable)

Delinquent Tax Collector

Maureen Harvey  duxburyvttreasurer@gmail.com

E911 Coordinator

Dan Cardozo DanforthCardozo@hotmail.com

Emergency Management Director


Energy Committee

The Energy Committee is a subcommittee of the Selectboard and was formed to research a potential Solar Power Installation on approximately 3.5 acres of currently unused town owned land, located in the old gravel pit location.  If you are interested in joining the Duxbury Energy Committee, contact Jamison Ervin jervin@sover.net.

Energy Committee Meeting Minutes & Documents

Fire Warden

You need a permit if you are going to be burning brush and there is no snow cover.

Kyle Guyette wvfd05@yahoo.com 802-382-7471

Forest Committee

If you are interested in information about the Town Forest Committee, contact Jamison Ervin at jervin@sover.net or 802-244-5875.

Forest Committee Meeting Minutes

Harwood Unified Union School District Representatives

Health Officer

Town health officers are given authority by the Vermont statute to investigate and mitigate any potential or existing public health hazard in his/her town. Each town has a local board of health made up of the town’s select board and the town health officer. The town health officer investigates all complaints and has extensive authority to take emergency mitigation steps, and may enforce any state health regulations and local health ordinances in his/her town.

Contact Duxbury's town health officer with any concern about something that might effect public health.

Dick Valentinetti, Town Health Officer dickval@hotmail.com 802-496-3523

Justices of the Peace

State Police Advisory Board


Tree Warden

Eric Potter